Rszlet : a vgn mikor Sarah s Jahreth beszlgetnek, s Jareth hbagolly vltozik.
sajt fordts,ha brhov felkerl, az prul jr! Krdd el,ha kell!
Sarah: Give me the child - Add nekem a gyereket
Jareth: Sarah, beware. - Sarah, vatosan!
I have been generous up until now but I can be cruel. - Nagylelk voltam fent mg most,de tudok kegyetlen lenni.
Sarah : Generous? What have done that was generous? - Nagylelk? Az, amit tettl, nagylelksg volt?
Jareth : Everithing! Everything that you wanted, I have done. - Minden!Mindent ,amit akartl,megtettem!
You asked that the child be taken. I took him. - Azt krted, hogy vigyem el a gyereket. Elvittem t.
You cowered befor me. I was frightenig. - Elbjtl ellem. Ijeszt voltam.
I have turned the world upside down and I have done it all for you. - Fejjel lefel fordtottam a vilgot s az egszet rted tettem.
I am exhausted from living up to your expectations. Is that not generous? - Kimerltem abban,hogy az elvrsaidnak ljek. Ez nem nagylelk?
Sarah : Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered- Szmtalan veszlyen s nehzsgen t.
I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City. - Harcoltam az utammal itt a Goblin vrosban s a kastlyban.
For my will is as strong as yours. - Olyan ers vagyok mint te
Jareth: Stop! Wait! - llj! Vrj!
Look, Sarah. Look what I am offering you. You dreams.- Nzd Sarah. Nzd mit ajnlok neked. Az lmaidat.
Sarah : And my kingdom as great ... - s a kirlysgom a j
Jareth : I ask for so little .
Just let me rule you -
and you can have everything that you want.
Annyira keveset krek.
Hagyd,hogy uralhassalak.
s neked mindened meg lehet,amit akarsz
Sarah : Kingdom as great.. - Kirlysgom ahogy j
Damn! - A fenbe!
I can never remember that live.- Soha nem tudok emlkezni arra a sorokra.
Jareth: Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave. - Flj tlem , szeress engem, tedd amit mondok s n a rabszolgd leszek.
Sarah: My kingdom as great... - A kirlysgom j..
You have no power over me. - Neked nincs hatalmad flttem.
Jareth hbagolly vltozik s elrepl.... |